Package bar :: Module atlas_indexer :: Class barIndexerStructureElement
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Class barIndexerStructureElement

Class of objects representing 'structure' elements of CAF dataset index file.

Nested Classes [hide private]
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, name, bbx, uid, type=None, slideList=None)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
Returns: dom XML object describing the object
Returns: value of the 'bbx' attribute of the represented element
__setBbx(self, newValue)
Set value of the 'bbx' attribute of the represented element.
Returns: value of the 'name' attribute of the represented element
__setName(self, newValue)
Set value of the 'name' attribute of the represented element.
Returns: value of the 'uid' attribute of the represented element
__setUid(self, newValue)
Set value of the 'uid' attribute of the represented element.
Returns: value of the 'type' attribute of the represented element
__setType(self, newValue)
Set value of the 'type' attribute of the represented element.
[int, ...]
Returns: an ordered list of 'slidenumber' attributes of 'slide' elements related to the represented element
__setSlideList(self, newValue)
Raise ValueError.
addSlide(self, slidesToAppend)
Assign 'slide' element(s) to the represented element.
(int, int)
Returns: The lowest and the highest value of 'slidenumber' attribute of 'slide' elements related to represented element
__setSlideSpan(self, newValue)
Raise ValueError.

Inherited from base.barObject: __str__, getElementById, writeXMLtoFile

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
fromXML(cls, domXMLElement, indexer=None)
Creates object from its (valid) xml representation.
Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from base.barObject (private): _getAttributesDict

Class Variables [hide private]
str _elementName = 'structure'
name of the XML element represented by class instances
[str, ...] _elementAttributes = ['name', 'bbx', 'type', 'uid']
names of attributes of the XML element represented by class instances
Instance Variables [hide private]
barIndexerStructureElement._clsBoundingBox _bbx
value of the 'bbx' attribute of the represented element
str _name
value of the 'name' attribute of the represented element
{int: barIndexerSlideElement, ...} _slides
'slide' element attribute 'slidenumber' to 'slide' element representation mapping for 'slide' elements associated with represented 'structure' element
str _type
value of the 'type' attribute of the represented element
int _uid
value of the 'uid' attribute of the represented element
Properties [hide private]
str name
Value of the 'name' attribute of the represented element.
barIndexerStructureElement._clsBoundingBox bbx
Value of the 'bbx' attribute of the represented element.
int uid
Value of the 'uid' attribute of the represented element.
str type
Value of the 'type' attribute of the represented element.
[int, ...] slideList
Ordered list of 'slidenumber' attributes of 'slide' elements related to the represented element
(int, int) slideSpan
Slide span (the lowest and the highest value of 'slidenumber' attribute of 'slide' elements related to represented element).

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, name, bbx, uid, type=None, slideList=None)


x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

  • name (str) - value of the 'name' attribute of the represented element
  • bbx (barIndexerStructureElement._clsBoundingBox) - value of the 'bbx' attribute of the represented element
  • uid (convertable to int) - value of the 'uid' attribute of the represented element
  • type (str) - value of the 'type' attribute of the represented element
  • slideList (barIndexerSlideElement or [barIndexerSlideElement, ...]) - representations of 'slide' elements related to the represented element
Overrides: object.__init__



A stub of method. Raise NotImplementedError.

dom XML object describing the object
Overrides: base.barObject.getXMLelement
(inherited documentation)

fromXML(cls, domXMLElement, indexer=None)
Class Method


Creates object from its (valid) xml representation.

  • domXMLElement (xml.dom.Node) - XML description of the barIndexerStructureElement object to be created.
  • indexer (barIndexer) - the object encapsulating returned class instance
Returns: cls
object based on domXMLElement description
Overrides: barIndexerObject.fromXML


Returns: barIndexerStructureElement._clsBoundingBox
value of the 'bbx' attribute of the represented element

__setBbx(self, newValue)


Set value of the 'bbx' attribute of the represented element.



Returns: str
value of the 'name' attribute of the represented element

__setName(self, newValue)


Set value of the 'name' attribute of the represented element.

  • newValue (str) - value of the 'name' attribute of the represented element


Returns: int
value of the 'uid' attribute of the represented element

__setUid(self, newValue)


Set value of the 'uid' attribute of the represented element.

  • newValue (convertable to int) - value of the 'uid' attribute of the represented element


Returns: str
value of the 'type' attribute of the represented element

__setType(self, newValue)


Set value of the 'type' attribute of the represented element.

  • newValue (str or None) - value of the 'type' attribute of the represented element


Returns: [int, ...]
an ordered list of 'slidenumber' attributes of 'slide' elements related to the represented element

addSlide(self, slidesToAppend)


Assign 'slide' element(s) to the represented element.



Returns: (int, int)
The lowest and the highest value of 'slidenumber' attribute of 'slide' elements related to represented element

Property Details [hide private]


Value of the 'name' attribute of the represented element.

Get Method:
__getName(self) - Returns: value of the 'name' attribute of the represented element
Set Method:
__setName(self, newValue) - Set value of the 'name' attribute of the represented element.


Value of the 'bbx' attribute of the represented element.

Get Method:
__getBbx(self) - Returns: value of the 'bbx' attribute of the represented element
Set Method:
__setBbx(self, newValue) - Set value of the 'bbx' attribute of the represented element.


Value of the 'uid' attribute of the represented element.

Get Method:
__getUid(self) - Returns: value of the 'uid' attribute of the represented element
Set Method:
__setUid(self, newValue) - Set value of the 'uid' attribute of the represented element.


Value of the 'type' attribute of the represented element.

Get Method:
__getType(self) - Returns: value of the 'type' attribute of the represented element
Set Method:
__setType(self, newValue) - Set value of the 'type' attribute of the represented element.


Ordered list of 'slidenumber' attributes of 'slide' elements related to the represented element

Read-only property.

Get Method:
__getSlideList(self) - Returns: an ordered list of 'slidenumber' attributes of 'slide' elements related to the represented element
Set Method:
__setSlideList(self, newValue) - Raise ValueError.
[int, ...]


Slide span (the lowest and the highest value of 'slidenumber' attribute of 'slide' elements related to represented element).

Read-only property.

Get Method:
__getSlideSpan(self) - Returns: The lowest and the highest value of 'slidenumber' attribute of 'slide' elements related to represented element
Set Method:
__setSlideSpan(self, newValue) - Raise ValueError.
(int, int)