How to create CAF slide?
In order to use CAF API you need to import bar module:
>>> import bar
>>> slide=bar.barCafSlide(slideNumber=0)
Note that, by definition, SVG paths representing brain regions are closed paths in sense of SVG closepath command and they should be expressed using SVG absolute coordinates. By default API believes that provided paths are valid and does not check their syntax thus following invalid path definition will be accepted:
>>> path=bar.barPath("structure_s1_AA","M 100,100 l 100 200 L 200 200", "#ff0000")
In order to force path validation of path definition set clearPathDef to True. If invalid path is provided an exception is raised.
>>> path=bar.barPath("structure_s1_AA","M 100,100 L 100 200 L 200 200", "#ff0000", clearPathDef=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Invalid path definition provided
Providing invalid path definitions will surely lead to errors in further steps. If you are not sure about path definition - validate it.
>>> path=bar.barPath("structure_s1_AA","M 100,100 L 100 200 L 200 200 Z", "#ff0000", clearPathDef=True)
>>> print path
<path bar:growlevel="0" d="M100.0,100.0 L100.0,200.0 L200.0,200.0 Z " fill="#ff0000" id="structure_s1_AA" stroke="none"/>
>>> slide.generateLabels()
<bar.base.barTracedSlideRenderer object at 0x...>
>>> import bar
>>> import datetime
>>> from random import gauss
>>> slideRange = range(50)
>>> coronalCoords = map(lambda x: 50 - x - gauss(1, 0.25), slideRange)
>>> slides = []
>>> indexer = bar.barIndexer()
>>> for i in slideRange:
... pathId = "structure_s%02d_AA" % i
... pathDef = "M %d,100 L %d,500 L 500,500 Z" % (100+2*i, 100+2*i)
... path=bar.barPath(pathId, pathDef ,"#ff0000", clearPathDef=True)
... structure = bar.barGenericStructure("AA", "#ff0000", [path])
... slide=bar.barCafSlide(slideNumber=i)
... slide.addStructures(structure)
... slide.updateMetadata(\
... [bar.barTransfMatrixMetadataElement((1.0,0,1.0,0)),
... bar.barBregmaMetadataElement(coronalCoords[i])])
... slide.writeXMLtoFile("%02d_traced_v0.svg" % i)
... indexer.indexSingleSlide(slide, i)
>>> indexerProperties = {\
... 'ReferenceWidth' : str(slide._rendererConf['imageSize'][0]),\
... 'ReferenceHeight' : str(slide._rendererConf['imageSize'][1]),\
... 'FilenameTemplate' : '%02d_traced_v%d.svg',\
... 'RefCords' : "0,0,1.0,1.0",\
... 'CAFName' : "caf_test",\
... 'CAFFullName' : 'caf_test_fullname',\
... 'CAFComment': 'Exemplary CAF dataset',\
... 'CAFCreator': 'Put your fullname here',\
... 'CAFCreatorEmail': '',\
... 'CAFCompilationTime': datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%F %T"),\
... 'CAFAxesOrientation':'RAS',\
... 'CAFSlideUnits':'mm'}
# Set indexer properties
>>> indexer.updateProperties(indexerProperties)
>>> indexer.createFlatHierarchy()
>>> indexer.fullNameMapping = {}
>>> indexer.colorMapping = {}
>>> indexer.writeXMLtoFile('index.xml')
Just remove the temporary file containing test slide.
>>> import os
>>> os.system("rm -f *.svg *.xml")