Package bar :: Module base :: Class barAtlasSlideElement
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Class barAtlasSlideElement

General class describing all elements that are part of slide. E.g. markers, paths, labels and metadata. Provides XML export and virtual XML import method.

Nested Classes [hide private]
Instance Methods [hide private]
getXMLelement(self, useBarNS=False)
Generate XML DOM representation of the object.
_getTextNodeXMLelement(self, textNodeCaption)
Generate XML DOM representation of the object.
affineTransform(self, M)
A stub of method.

Inherited from barObject: __str__, getElementById, writeXMLtoFile

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
fromXML(cls, sourceXMLElement)
A stub of method.
Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from barObject (private): _getAttributesDict

Class Variables [hide private]
{str : ?, ...} _attributes = {}
regular attribute (exported without namespace prefix) name to value mapping
{str : ?, ...} _attributesNS = {}
namespace attributes (exported with BAR_XML_NAMESPACE_PREFIX prefix) name to value mapping
str _elementName = 'text'
name of the represented XML element
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

fromXML(cls, sourceXMLElement)
Class Method


A stub of method. Raise NotImplementedError.

  • sourceXMLElement (DOM XML or string containing xml) - XML representation of the element

getXMLelement(self, useBarNS=False)


Generate XML DOM representation of the object.

  • useBarNS (bool) - determines, if element uses 3dBAR XML namespace
Returns: xml.dom.minidom.Node
XML representation of the object
Overrides: barObject.getXMLelement

_getTextNodeXMLelement(self, textNodeCaption)


Generate XML DOM representation of the object. Used when given XML element has textnode child (ie. labels).

  • textNodeCaption (str) - value of the textnode
Returns: dom.xml.Node
XML representation of the object

affineTransform(self, M)


A stub of method. Raise NotImplementedError.

  • M (numpy 3x3 array) - transformation matrix