Package bar :: Module barImageUnderlays :: Class barSlideBackgroundList
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Class barSlideBackgroundList

barSlideBackgroundList is an object for holding all image underlays withing given SVG slide. It implements python list's interface and holds multiple barSlideBackgorundElement objects. When serialized, SVG g tag containing multiple image tags are generated.

Nested Classes [hide private]
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, id=None, elements=None)
barSlideBackgroundList constructor.
__getslice__(self, i, j)
__getitem__(self, key)
index(self, x)
insert(self, i, x)
remove(self, x)
append(self, x)
extend(self, L)
Returns ID attribute.
_setId(self, value)
Assigns the ID value of the underlays holder
Generate XML DOM representation of the object.

Inherited from base.barAtlasSlideElement: affineTransform

Inherited from base.barObject: __str__, getElementById, writeXMLtoFile

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
fromXML(cls, svgGroupElement)
Create barSlideBackgroundList from and dedicated SVG g tag.
Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from base.barObject (private): _getAttributesDict

Class Variables [hide private]
str _elementName = 'g'
name of the represented XML element
Properties [hide private]
str id
Id of an element.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, id=None, elements=None)


barSlideBackgroundList constructor. Use this constructor to initialize empty/blank barSlideBackgroundList object. If you parsing a slide and you want to recreate barSlideBackgroundList from CAF slide's image layer, use barSlideBackgroundList.fromXML method.

  • id (str) - Identifier you want to assign to the object. If no ID is provided, it is generated automatically.
  • elements ([barSlideBackgorundElement,...]) - Iterable of background images to be used as a content of the object
Overrides: object.__init__



Returns ID attribute.

  • str ()
Image layer's identifier

_setId(self, value)


Assigns the ID value of the underlays holder

  • value ()



Generate XML DOM representation of the object.

  • useBarNS - determines, if element uses 3dBAR XML namespace
Returns: xml.dom.minidom.Node
XML representation of the object
Overrides: base.barObject.getXMLelement
(inherited documentation)

fromXML(cls, svgGroupElement)
Class Method


Create barSlideBackgroundList from and dedicated SVG g tag.

  • svgGroupElement (xml.dom.minidom.Document) - SVG {g} element to be processed
An barSlideBackgroundList based on given svgGroupElement. @rtype : barSlideBackgroundList
Overrides: base.barAtlasSlideElement.fromXML

Property Details [hide private]


Id of an element.

Get Method:
_getId(self) - Returns ID attribute.
Set Method:
_setId(self, value) - Assigns the ID value of the underlays holder